Stripes are for skinny people - anyone and everyone should take note.
PA did my hair yesterday, he fed me ice cream cake and pizza - not good for the skinny fit yet nor are the martinis I later indulged in! BLODG Girl and I went out for a few cocktails (Strawberry Bannana Martinis), enough to make my head hurt this am. PA was there letting us montague the most epic man camel toe ever! YES! And no we are not in Miami, although we should be. BLODG Girl's blackberry screen cracked into a million when she dropped it during our photo montague in the bathroom, we were arranging on our good side. NO ONE wants a photo on their bad side and fortunatley enough BLODG Girl and I have opposite good sides. Going to have a FATCAT party at my lakehouse for a few days in about two weeks, PA is in charge of planning - therefore it should take the most interesting form. Leaving for the Maine journey tomrrow, and I can't wait!
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